Transaction processing systems
Process data resulting from business transactions , update operational database, and produce business documents. Examples : sales and inventory processing and accounting systems. Transaction processing system provide three functional areas:
- System runtime functions, transaction processing system provide an execution environment that ensures the integrity, availabiliti, and securiti of data.
- System administration functions, transaction processing system provide administrative support that lets user configure, monitor, and manage their transaction systems.
- Application development functions, transaction processing systems provide functions for use in custom business application, including functions to acces data, to perform intercomputer communications, and to design and manage the user interface.
Process control systems
Monitor and Control industrial processes. Process control system also monitors the manufacturing environment and electronically controls the process or manufacturing flow nbsed on the various set-points given by the user. Examples : petroleum refining, power generation and steel production systems.
Enterprise collaboration systems (ECS)
Support team, workgroup and enterprise communications and collaborations. ECS is also combination of groupware, tools, internet, extranets and other networks needed to support enterprise wide communications. Examples : e-mail, chat, and video conferencing groupware systems.
Management Information systems (MIS)
Provide information in the form of prespecified reports and display to support business decision making. MIS also are distinctfrom other information systems, in that they are used to analyze and facilitate strategic and operational activities. Examples : sale analysis, production performance, and cost trend reporting systems.
Decision support systems (DSS)
Provide interactive ad hoc support for the decision making processes of managers and other business professionals. serve the management, operations, amd planning levels of an organization and help to make decisions, which may be rapidly changing and not easily specified in advance. Examples : product pricing, profitability forecasting and risk analysis systems.
Executive information systems
provide critical information from MIS, DSS, and other sources tailored to the information needs of executives. Examples : systems for easy acces to analyses of business performance, actions of competitors, and economic developments to support strategic planning.
Expert systems
Knowledge based system that provide expert advice and act as expert consultants to users. ES are designed to solve complex problems by reasoning about knowledge, like an expert, and not following the procedure of a developer. Examples : credit application advisor, process monitor and diagnostic maintenance systems.
Knowledge management systems
Knwoledge based systems that support the creation, organization and dissemination of business knowledge within the enterprise. Examples : intranet acces to best business practices, sales proposal strategies and customers problem resolution systems.
Strategic information systems
Support operations or management processes that provide a firm with strategic products, services, and capabilities for comptitie advantage. Examples : online stock trading, shipment tracking and e-comerce web systems.
Functional business systems
Support a variety of operational and managerial application of the basic business function of a company, provide decision-makers feedback and information on the daily operation of the business. Example : information system that support applications in accounting, finance, marketing, operation management and human resources management.
Global edition management information systems by O'brien Marakas